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Independent survey on EASYSeal Deck Protect - Slip Resistant Treatment for Timber Decking

We have had EASYSeal Deck Protect independently tested. Read more for the results.

EASYSeal Deck Protect has been independently tested and the results are excellent



John Myers of Slip Potential Ltd. was instructed to conduct Slip Tests to both treated and untreated samples of decking in order to assess the impact of the product known as EASYSeal Deck Protect on slip risk.

Executive Summary

The test results suggest that the level of traction presented by the treated surfaces was low-risk, in contrast to the high-risk results gathered for the untreated samples, according to HSE guidelines.


Decking treated with EASYSeal Deck Protect provided a higher level of traction than untreated samples and also resisted the build up of algae. The level of slip risk presented to pedestrians on the decking reduced from high-risk where untreated to low-risk on the treated samples as per HSE guidelines for slip resistance.
Whilst the product appears to reduce slip risk due to its anti-slip properties measured during testing, in resisting the development of algae, there may also be a reduced level of slip risk that can be a consequence of such a build up. Periodic slip tests and a visual inspection of the surface for any growth of organic matter would be a sensible precaution to assess the need for any extra treatment.

View the Test Results Here

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For more information on EASYSeal Protect visit: https://www.azpects.co.uk/products/easyseal-deck-protector.aspx

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Click a document below to download.

EASYSeal Deck Magic Slip Resistance Test

EASYSeal Deck Protect Slip Resistance Test


